Eliminating…the Poop
We all know what comes with being a dog owner. Tail wagging, fetch, cuddles….and Poop. Cleaning up doggie leftovers is never fun but it’s important to protect your dog, yard, children and even yourself from transmission of disease and illness. Plus, it’s stinky! There’s no way out of dealing with it, so here are some reminders.
One of the first things to remember when cleaning up after your dog is that it involves your back. Whether you’re years young or years old, bend your knees and keep your back straight while getting the job done.
Secondly, protect yourself from disease and always thoroughly wash your hands after handling the mess. The CDC says that dogs infected with Campylobacter (transmitted by stool of an infected dog) might show no signs of illness at all or might have diarrhea and a slight fever. Most people who become sick with campylobacteriosis will have stomach issues, abdominal pain, and fever within 2-5 days after exposure to the organism. Campylobacter can cause serious life-threatening infections in infants, older persons, and those with weakened immune systems.
As far as disposal choices, many people recycle their plastic grocery bags by using them as their doggie doo bags, but for the more environmentally conscious who use reusable grocery sacks, many doggie bags are bio-degradable and there are even some now which are flushable. Paw Print offers “poop scoop” yard service clean up, which you can book online and we’ll be happy to help.
What if the dog pooping in your yard is not your own? A slight nudge with a “no poop zone” sign in your yard might encourage that inconsiderate neighbor to head on down the road…or at least remember their own doggie bag.
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